=== RH Frontend Publishing Pro === Contributors: wpsoul Tags: frontend, posting, user Requires at least: 6.0 Tested up to: 6.3 Stable tag: 4.3.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html WordPress Frontend User area. == Description == Allow your users to create, edit and delete posts/products directly from the WordPress Frontend area. = Translations = The simpliest and popular plugin for translation of WordPress files is [Loco Translate](https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/) == Installation == 1. Go to 'Plugins' area. 1. Press 'Add New' then 'Upload Plugin' and choose rh-frontend.zip file. 1. Also, if you have registerated ReHub theme you can install the plugin from 'ReHub - Plugins' 1. Activate the plugin in the 'Plugins'. You will find 'RH Frontend' menu in your WordPress admin panel. == Support == Do you have questions or issues with RH Frontend Pro? Use these support channels appropriately. 1. [Documentation](http://rehubdocs.wpsoul.com/docs/rehub-plugins-add-ons/rh-frontend-publishing-pro/) == Changelog == = 4.2.4 = * Added HTML notice field = 4.2.3 = * Fixed some bugs = 4.2.2 = * Fixed some trannslation and WC bugs = 4.2.1 = * Fixed image naming during parsing = 4.2.0 = * Fixed some bugs in the calendar module = 4.1.9 = * Full update of calendar module * Fixed some bugs with email sending, 'nofollow all links'. * Added a customized jquery.tokeninput.min.js file from the theme * Converted all files to Windows UTF-8 OEL = 4.1.8 = * Fixed plugin icon code with base64 = 4.1.7 = * Added Exluded taxonomies in the form settings * Added a default limitation of WC Attributes in the form fields (to 30) * Fixed responsive styles for preset width fields = 4.1.6 = * Fixed some parsing bugs * Added some improvings = 4.1.5 = * Added direct Publishing after Editing a published post by a user * Fixed Import/Export functionality = 4.1.4 = * Removed 'Show users only their media' option * Replaced it with 'Exempt Roles' = 4.1.3 = * Fixed some issues with Google Map area * Fixed some bugs with Taxonomy listing * Added 'no_restrictions' user option to Paid form = 4.1.2 = * Added a Post Edit link for Administrators * Fixed "Max links" field in the Post Content * Fixed post author ID = 4.1.1 = * Added a Default plugin thumbnail option * Fixed some parsing bugs = 4.1.0 = * Fixed some bugs in PHP 7.4 = 4.0.9 = * Fixed Expire date in the Paid package * Fixed some bugs = 4.0.8 = * Added scheduled posts support * Fixed some bugs in PHP 7.3 = 4.0.7 = * Fixed some bugs in email sending = 4.0.5 = * Added some REHub fields * Fixed some bugs = 4.0.4 = * Updater fixed = 4.0.3 = * Updated plugin updater, v3.2 = 4.0.2 = * Fixed Map in Settings of the plugin * Added WP hookes in the form manager * Fixed Ultimate review compatibility = 4.0.1 = * Added Price parser for sites which supports schema.org * Fixed some mobile styles in the admin dashboard = 4.0.0 = * Excluded roles which already have no media restrictions (admin and editor) * Added Term Autosearch functionalit * Fixed AJAX parser on multi-form pages * Fixed some bugs = 3.9.9 = * Fixed Edit Post for restricted submissions * Fixed getting data for Video post field = 3.9.8 = * Changed capabilities for Subscribers & Contributors = 3.9.7 = * Added Video post format of the REHub theme * Fixed duplicated posts during sending and editing a new form = 3.9.6 = * Fixed Autocomplete order for Paid packages * Fixed updating WC attributes in the form * Fixed small bugs = 3.9.5 = * Fixed design of the Paid packages list = 3.9.4 = * Fixed Product data saving = 3.9.3 = * Fixed adding a Number field with a floating-point number to improve Price fields * Fixed the Width field attribute in the form = 3.9.2 = * Fixed saving of the Number field and Prefix/Postfix during Offer Edit = 3.8.1 = * Fixed parsing amd Added a new option for some servers in Media settings = 3.7.8 = * Fixed issue with query part of the Image URL during parsing * Fixed adding a new Product Attribute the saved form * Added a frontend Edit link to the Post (please, check Form settings) = 3.7.7 = * Fixed small bugs * Added getting an image by URL = 3.7.6 = * Image parser is improved = 3.7.1 = * Added Import/Export forms functionality = 3.6.8 = * Added Multi-select field * Fixed the Google Map section * Fixed GMW 3.0 functions = 3.6.4 = * Please, pay your attention on Product options section in Form. It was changed logic of this section. = 3.3.0 = * Fixed hidden attributes of the custom fields. * Fixed bulk deletion of the forms. * Fixed product attribute taxonomy. * Replaced 'Image URL' field by 'File Upload' one. * The 'File Upload' field has two parameters now: to save data as ID or URL. * Added custom placeholder to the 'Address Input' field. * Added meta key name to the header of the custom field tabs. * Added optional settings for sending a message to the admin if a user post was updated. * Updated localization file and in-browser button labels. = 3.2.9 = * Fixed Date format for Products. * Hide/Show spesific Custom fields attributes. = 3.2.8 = * Update plugin is intergrated. = 3.2.7 = * Fix localize file and strings. * Fix visibility of a posted product on Search / Archive pages.